Program type: Supplementary training program
Linking the program to the type of teacher license
Career teacher
Mentor teacher
Targeted group of teachers / attendees
The training “Integration of soft skills in teaching I”, aims to acquaint candidates with the basic principles in providing soft skills such as beautiful writing, in: Official email, request, notice, and complaint. This training prepares candidates to acquire the appropriate theoretical and practical skills, which they can apply in school settings, and later, in work environments.
This program has a duration of 10 academic hours, where the distribution of hours is as follows:
Theory | 3 | 38.5% |
Practice | 4 | 38.5% |
Self-study | 1 | 15.3% |
Evaluation | 2 | 7.7 % |
Total: | 10 | 100% |
Upon completion of the training teachers will be able to:
– gain considerable knowledge in career development
– help young people to achieve the necessary professional skills, in writing an official email, official letter, request, complaint, etc .;
– arouse strong interest of young people to continue with adequate education;
– motivate and improve the self-confidence of young people.