UBT will create a platform comprised of over 20,000 lessons through EON Reality’s AVR
13/04/2020UBT is one step ahead, as far as distance education is concerned, by creating over 20,000 online lessons on the Virtual Reality platform over the next month.
According to this platform, distance learning will include 20,000 lessons for over 20 study programs, including all areas of study such as; health care, engineering, design, architecture, Energy engineering, etc.
Meanwhile, this initiative has been welcomed by the president of the technological giant “EON Reality”, Dan Lejerskar. He said in a post on LinkedIn that the news was an initial transformation in breaking down the boundaries of physical classes.
“The University of Business and Technology in Kosovo will create 20,000 lessons on the EON Reality AVR Platform in the next 30 days. This forms the framework of the distance learning curriculum and involves over 20 programs such as healthcare, engineering, design and architecture. In this regard, it will be an essential transformation in the removal of the physical boundaries of the classrooms! ”has been stated in the post of EON Reality President Dan Lejerskar.
For more detailed information, read the full post dedicated to the collaboration between UBT and EON
Reality, click on the link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/danlejerskar_university-for-business-and-technology-to-activity-66532207996220799618646017-vltO