Mbyll punimet aktiviteti i Stomatologjisë në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion


Në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion kanë prezantuar punimet e tyre dhjetëra profesorë dhe ekspertë në fushën e Stomatologjisë, të ndarë nëpër sesione.


Temat të cilat janë dorëzuar e prezantuar në këtë konferencë janë:


Sesioni i parë

Chair : Dukagjin Sokoli

Co – Chair : Merita Barani


  • Keynote Speaker

Ahmad Kutkut, DDS, MS, FICOI, DICOI

“Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells,

What is the Evidence?”


Nexhmije Ajeti “Efekti  antibakterial i mbushjeve endodontike. Studim in Vitro “

Lina Sharab “Clinical Tips for Managing Third Molars with a Piece of Mind! “

Hamiti Krasniqi Vjosa “Silalothiasis of Submandibular Gland: Case Report and Review of the Literature”

Agim Prokshaj “The use of the lingual technique in correcting orthodontic abnormalities”


Sesioni i dytë

Chair :  Dr.sc.Ferjall Perjuci

Dr.sc.Aida Rexhepi, Dr.sc.Vjosa Hamiti


Keynote Speaker 

Ahmad Kutkut, DDS, MS, FICOI, DICOI


Aesthetic Restorations with the New Composite System- Componeer

Prof.dr. Sonja Apostolska


Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje.



Course content in keywords:

  • Diagnostics: malpositioned teeth, incorrect shading, destroyed teeth and much more
  • How can I do what I want with COMPONEER?
  • Characterization of surface and shape
  • Trimming and polishing workshop
  • Complete anterior tooth restoration
  • Scientific basic knowledge for predictable results
  • Complete anterior tooth restoration, esthetic from premolar to premolar
  • Using the new COMPONEER instruments, polishing and maintenance care
  • PLUS BRILLIANT EverGlow as THE perfect partner for COMPONEER



Xhevdet Aliu “Effective root canal disinfection is a fundamental component of successful root canal treatment”


Aida Rexhepi “ Parents Knowledge of Children with Congenital Heart Disease about the importance of oral health”


Mirsad Shkreta  “  The evolution of the approach towards the antibiotic  prophylaxis of infective endocarditis before invasive dental procedures “


Dukagjin Sokoli   “ Use of Virtual Articulator in Prosthodontics


Ferijalle Perjuci – “ Odontoma si pengesë  për eruptimin e dhëmbit permanent”


Visar Bunjaku “  Effect of LLLT on periodontal status in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2”


Lirak Gjyliqi “  Satisfaction with their dental aesthetic among health and non-health professionals”