Mbyll punimet aktiviteti i drejtimit Menaxhment, Biznes dhe Ekonomi në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion
28/10/2019Konferenca Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion ka mbajtur punimet me aktivitetin e drejtimit Menaxhmet, Biznes dhe Ekonomi. Pjesë e kësaj konference ishin shumë pjesëmarrës të interesuar, me ç’rast debatuan dhe dhanë rekomandimet mbi temat që trajtuan.
Çështjet dhe temat të cilat u elaboruan në konferencën e kësaj fushe janë:
Sesioni i parë
Co – Chair: Naim Preniqi
Is Television Changing its Position on the Promotional Goals of Companies? – Nehat Ramadani
Social Media Marketing and Business Enterprises in European Union – Gonxhe Beqiri and Rajan
One More Look at Money as a Human Invention – Vanya Tsonkova and Valentina Stoyanova
The Impact of Human Capital on Technology-Intensive Exports, with Special Reference to Transition Economies of Central and Eastern Europe – Arta Mulliqi
“Bitcoin” The Development of Virtual Money in Kosovo – Ardian Uka and Misret Beqiri
Internet of Things to Help SDGs Implementation: A case of Albania and Kosovo, Opportunities and Challenges – Aida Bitri, Galia Marionova and Edmond Hajrizi
Revisiting the Ties between Brand Personality and Brand Engagement – Jitender Kumar
Corporate Governance in Insurance Companies – Need or Trend? – Vesna Paunkoska Dodevska and Bashkim Nuredini
Ëhat Affects the Market Share in Banking: Evidence From the Old and Neë EU Members and Candidate Countries? – Bashkim Nurboja and Marko Košak
The Effect of Accepting External Influence on Emotional Labor: A Study on White-Collar Workers in Turkey – Buket Akdol and Gamze Guzin Kazakoglu
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Ermal Lubishtani Co – Chair: Bejtush Ademi
Social Aspects of Logistics – Social Logistics and Socially Oriented Business Logistics – Vanya Banabakova and Canko Stefanov
International Risk Analysis Based on The Portfolio Diversification: The Case of Prague Stock Exchange – Florin Aliu, Besnik Krasniqi, Emad Attia Mohamed Omran and Amir Zylfiu
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and International Economics – Iliyan Mateev
A Genuine Relationship Betëeen Entrepreneurial Activity and Economic Groëth: A Meta-Regression Analysis.- Ermal Lubishtani, Chris Dimos, Iraj Hashi, Ian Jackson, Besnik Krasniqi
Factors Affecting Knoëledge Management in Organizations – Dugagjin Sokoli, Andrej Koren and Edmond Hajrizi
Entrepreneurial Marketing Paradigm-Why it is Important for Kosovar Entrepreneurs? – Nora Sadiku-Dushi
Promotion Mix and Beverage Manufacturing Enterprises: Consumer and Buyer Perspective – Rajan Arapi and Gonxhe Beqiri
The Effectiveness of Nudging Techniques to Customers in Kosovo: An Experimental Study – Nehat Dobratiqi
Social Security – Public Expectations and Reality – Venelin Terziev The Impact of Organizational Changes on Human Capital Performance and Motivation – Kaltrina Bunjaku Pasuli and Leonita Braha Vokshi
E-Recruitment Strategies: A Revieë – Blerim Dragusha, Saso Josimovski and Dimitar Jovevski
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Ylber Limani Co – Chair: Nehat Dobratiqi
Use of the Function Derivative to Minimize the Cost – Faton Kabashi, Azir Jusufi and Hizer Leka
Internal Allocation of Shared IT Infrastructures on Cost Driver Allocation Bases: A Case of a Typical Medium-Sized Austrian Financial Service Provider – Andrea Schnabl
Types of Organization of Business Organizations and Their Impact on Business Success – Mentor Shaqiri and Orhan Çeku
Clustering -> Good or Bad idea!? – Ermira Shehu, Osman Sejfijaj and Fatmir Memaj
Organizational Loyalty and Employee Commitment: Case of Kosovo Telecom – Nazmi Zeqiri
The impact of globalization on vocational education and its challenge to schools – Ivica Opačak, Agon Halabaku and Siniša Bilić
How Printing Industry Meets Technological and Financial Challenges – Liudmila Guzikova
Remittances Support the Groëth of Developing Countries – Shpresim Vranovci
Digitalization in Control – Plamen Iliev
The Impact of Effective Management on Economic Groëth – Ylber Limani, Florentina Musliu and Blerina Hoxha
Cost analysis on Cost of Consumers in Terms of Small markets. (Case study, Vlora) – Elmira Kushta and Fatmir Memaj
Statistical Analysis ëith Latent Variables. Case Study (University Libraries) – Miftar Ramosaco and Astrit Denaj
Optimization of Economic Functions with two Variables – Azir Jusufi, Bukurie Imeri-Jusufi, Flamure Sadiku and Faton Kabashi
Sesioni i katërt
Chair: Hasan Metin Co – Chair: Leonita Braha Vokshi
Modeling the Estimated Fundamental Value of the Kosovo Commercial Banks – Florin Aliu, Fisnik Aliu, Artor Nuhiu and Lenka Dokoupilová
Innovation in Transport and Logistics Through the Use of Technology: A Case Study – Dashmir Istrefi
Understanding Impact of Professional Training on Work Performance – Besnik Skenderi and Diamanta Skenderi
Organizational Culture of Higher Education in Kosovo and North Macedonia – Leonita Braha Vokshi and Kaltrina Bunjaku Pasuli
Control Activity and Monitoring as COSO Frameëork Elements And Their Impact on the Performance of Entity: Case Study Republic of Kosovo – Gresa Mjaku
Hadamard’s Coding Matrix and Some Decoding Methods – Hizer Leka, Azir Jusufi and Faton Kabashi
Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurial Success in Kosovo – Bejtush Ademi
Research Management in the Higher Education Sector in Algeria. – Zine Barka and Fatima Zohra Kiari
The Effectiveness of Active Labour Market Policies in Reducing Unemployment in Kosovo – Albulena Jahja, Nick Addnett and Artane Rizvanolli
The Effect of Digital Revolution, and ERP Softëare Usage in Banking Sector – Hasan Metin and Aurora Mustafa
Sesioni i pestë
Chair: Arta Mulliqi Co – Chair: Muhamet Gërvalla
Relationships betëeen Organizational Change and Employee Stress – Osman Sejfijaj, Ermira Shehu and Fatmir Memaj
Search Engine Optimization Effect on Online Purchase Decision – Jonida Xhema
Economy and Diseconomy of Scale in Microeconomy Case study: Procredit Bank – Mirjeta Domniku and Blert Podvorica
Impact of Risk Management on the Performance of Kosovo Pension Fund Assets – Shkendije Demalijaj – Ukaj
Economic Effects in Romania ëithin Integration in European Union – Amir Imeri and Xhevat Bejta
Effect of Leadership Evaluation by Employees in an Enterprise – Bardha Mulhaxha External Audit – Blerina Jashari and Bukurie Imeri Jusufi
Kosovo’s Financial Reporting System and Donor Sup-port in its Development – Nazmi Pllana, Sakip Imeri and Selman Berisha
Benefits from Imlementation of ABC Methods in Microbusinesses in Republic of North Macedonia – Bukurie Imeri Jusufi
Vat Reduction in 8% and Impact on Household Budget – Mustafë Hasani and Vahide Hasani
Sesioni i gjashtë
Chair: Naim Preniqi Co – Chair: Muhamet Gërvalla
Alternative Energy Generation and its Economic Impact on Developing Countries: A Case Study of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Northern Macedonia – Ruzhdi Matoshi and Isa Mulaj
Globalization of Banking Business and Risk Management – Arbiana Govori and Qemajl Sejdija
Any Effects of Work Life Balance and Employee Benefits on Employee Engagement? – Perëaiz B. Ismaili
The Analyses of Management and Manager’s Experience Impact on Success of Kosovo SME’s – Enver Krasniqi, Xhevdet Krasniqi and Dea Krasniqi
Effectiveness Increase in Kosovo’s Mines Through the Digitalization Process. Case study – Mine and Industry of Magnesite “Golesh” – Hasan Metin and Hyrije Aliu Dragaqina
Board of Directors’ Quality on Earnings Management: Evidence from Insurance Industry in Kosovo – Fidane Spahija Gjikolli
Consumer Protection and Care in Kosovo – Hamëz Rama Logical Frameëork Approach and Way to Conceptualize Project Proposals – Hasan Metin and Dea Mustafa
Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kosovo – Sejdi Xhemaili
Simple Interest as a Special Case of Compound Interest – Ramadan Limani
Horse as a Measurement of Economic Situation in the Albanian Tradition in The First Half of XX Century – Nexhat Çoçaj
The Socioeconomic and Human ëell-being Issues of Coal Mine Ëorkers In Orakzai And Kohat Districts, Pakistan – Muhammad Ashfaq