Në aktivitetin e Shkencave Politike prezantohen dhjetëra punime shkencore, në kuadër të Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion
28/10/2019Shkencëtarë të rinj, profesorë dhe ekspertë të fushës së Shkencave Politike kanë paraqitur e prezantuar punime shkencore në aktivitetin e organizuar nga UBT, në kuadër të Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion. Gjatë këtij aktiviteti punime shkencore prezantuan edhe studiues nga rajoni, Evropa dhe më gjerë.
Punimet që janë dorëzuar dhe prezantuar në konferencën e kësaj fushe janë:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Ridvan Peshkopia
Discussants: Marzena Żakowska, Michael Gallagher, and Valon Hasanaj
“The Euro-Atlantic Security in the Era of Hybrid Threats” – Professor Marzena Żakowska, War Studies University, Poland
“From organ trafficking to the Kosovo Specialist Chambers: The strategic narrative behind the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office”, Robert Muharremi
“Reconciliation, its elements and methods: the case of Kosovo”, Merita Limani
“The renegotiation of social policy in Kosovo: gradual institutional change since independence”, Artan Mustafa & Pëllumb Çollaku
“Negotiations on the Normalization of Relations between Serbia and Kosovo: Constraints and Obstacles”, Agon Halabaku and Valbona Fisheku- Halabaku
“Special Prosecution and its Impact on the European Integration Processes of the Republic of North Macedonia”, Argëtim Salihu and Avni Avdiu
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Labinot Greiçevci
Discussants: Robert Muharremi, Blerim Reka, and Michael Gallagher
“Putin backfire:Effects of authoritarian endorsement in swing states of Europe”, Aleksandr Fisher, Henry Hale and Ridvan Peshkopia
“The breaking points of Russian foreign policy”, Adelina Hasani
“Aspects of diplomatic relations between England and Albania before and after Corfu Channel crisis”, Redi Papa
“The correlates of global Trumpism: A Study of three geopolitical swing states in Europe”, Henry Hale and Ridvan Peshkopia
“The role of the international factor in the issue of minorities in the Balkans”, Ilir Zylfiu
“The Challenges and Opportunities from the WTO accession – the Case of Kosovo”, Fisnik Muça
“US policy towards the Albanian cause in Yugoslavia during the Cold War”, Fati Iseni.
“The growth of Political Islam in Egypt (the Islamic Brotherhood Movement – IBM as a model)”, Islam Islami and Muhamed Ali
Sesioni i tretë
Chair : Marzena Żakowska
Discussants: Michael Gallagher, Robert Muharremi, and Ridvan Peshkopia
Main lecture at the conference (open to the wider public): Electoral systems and political parties
Key-note speaker: Professor Michael Gallagher, the University of Dublin, Ireland
“Cleavages – Explaining the social basis of the political conflict and political change in Kosovo”, Artan Mustafa
“Ethics code of NGOs in Kosovo”, Fjollë Nuhiu, Dritëro Arifi and Ngadhnjim Brovina
“Multicultural consolidation through Consociational Democracy”, Xhemail Çupi
“Political culture, language and the use of voting rights in Northern Macedonia”, Muhamet Mustafi and Muaz Agushi;
“Digitalization of parliamentary services eases implementation of model e-Deputy (E-MP) – case study of Assembly of Macedonia”, Argëtim Salihu and Arbnor Rushiti
Sesioni i katërt
Chair : Fjollë Nuhiu
Discussants: Dritëro Arifi, Alfred Marleku, and Ermira Shehu
“History, politics and the complexity of Kosovo Albanian identity”, Rrezarta Reka Thaçi
“The relationship between community and local government – a comparative study of municipalities in the Pristina region (Pristina, Fushë Kosovë, and Gllogovc)”, Ferdi Kamberi
“The analyses of management and manager’s experience impact on success of Kosovo SME’s”, Enver Krasniqi, Xhevdet Krasniqi and Dea Krasniqi
“Social Market Economy as an alternative to the Washington Consensus in the Western Balkans”, Ruzhdi Matoshi
“The world republic as Kant’s alternative to permanent peace”, Kushtrim Ahmeti