Me shumë punime cilësore, mbylli aktivitetin drejtimi i Juridikut, në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion


Në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare të Juridikut, morën pjesë shumë pjesëmarrës vendorë e ndërkombëtarë, të cilët në mënyrë grupore e individuale prezantuan punime e hulumtime cilësore dhe profesionale. Temat që kishin trajtuar në punimet shkencore ishin nga më të ndryshmet, ku njëherësh u dhanë shumë rekomandime në interes të përgjithshëm.

Punimet të cilat janë dorëzuar dhe prezantuar janë:

Chair: Joana Qeleshi
Co – Chair: Jorida Xhafaj

Marina Mokoseeva – “Standardization of national legislation by international intergovernmental organisations: by the example of national constitutions”
Armend Muja – “Rule of law, regulation and economic performance in Kosovo: an empirical analysis”
Miah Gibson – “An international convention on refugee resettlement
Behar Selimi – “Minority veto rights in Kosovo’s democracy”
Artan Tahiri – “The bilateral agreements between Kosovo and Macedonia”
Agni Aliu – “Cooperation of local government units as a factor for the increase of financial resources”
Elvina Jusufaj – “Recognition of states and minority rights”
Ismail Zejneli – “Juvenile prison, purpose and effects”

Chair: Albulena Ukimeraj
Co – Chair: Behar Selimi

Donalb Xibraku, Ervin Pupe – “Comparative analysis regarding the transcription and registration of real estate transactions according to the legal provisions of the italian and Albanian Civil Codes”
Osuagwu Ugochukwu, Elochukwu Vincent– International Migration and the Study of Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria: The Role of Nigerian Immigration Service
Ersida Teliti, Kestrin Katro – “Contractual guarantee or legal guarantee as a tool on respecting consumer rights?”
Ilda Melo (Kovaci), Zhaklina Peto – “Aspects of land privatization process in Albania”
Anxhelina Zhidro, Arbesa Kurti, Klodjan Skënderaj– “The right to privacy in albania and the report with other rights”
Jorida Xhafaj – “The Right To Erasure Under The General Regulation Of Data Protection”
Altin Maliqi – “Arbitration on the reality of justice in Albania”
Nexhat Balaj – “Kosovo environmental law from an international environmental law perspective”
Egzona Osmanaj – The Right Of Woman To Inheritance According To The Albanian Customary Law