Why young people choose UBT?


Since it’s foundation until now, for almost 17 years UBT has served as the “house” of thousands of students, who have found here more than a simple higher education institution offers.

One of the underlying values of UBT is that it has never abandoned or disregarded it’s students, an undeniable proof of which is the fact that is strong affilitation with its former students.

Since the beginning of their studies untill the end  UBT students have never lacked and have been continuously subject to a ceaseless devotion of domestic and international professors who have consistently provided endless professional advices which directly contributes to a sound professional orientation.

Beside the quality and interaction during their studies, students are provided with all the neccesary facilities in the numerous campuses built by UBT.

UBT possess a wide range of campuses such as that of Lipjan, Prizren, Ferizaj and Peja. The main aim of building this infrastructure was to meet the needs of students as much as possible.

UBT has signed more than 300 collaboration agreements with international partners and universities all around the word. Our students are welcomed and honored in these universities.

It’s worth mentioning that hundreds of UBT students have benefited from scholarships to continue their studies in foreign countries in every continent of the world. Indeed, degrees issued by UBT are valid everywhere and recognized in international level.

Thanks to these achievements, academic quality and employment opportunities outside the country UBT is being consistently empowered by thousands of newcomers, who chose UBT as their final destination as far as their professional and academic ambitions are concerned. Undoubtedly, these students comprise an added value for our society as whole.