Kosovo Represented at General Assembly of Association of European Schools of Planning For First Time Through UBT


UBT President Prof Dr. Edmond Hajrizi has stayed for four days at the Utrecht University, Netherlands, to attend the General Assembly of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), representing the UBT and the Republic of Kosovo.

In March this year, the UBT was admitted a fully-fledged member of the Assembly, being the only Kosovar school to have been admitted to this association so far.  Professor Hajrizi was appointed the first national representative for Kosovo to the association.

During the event, Mr. Hajrizi had a number of meetings with representatives of many organizations, including the organization’s president, Professor Gert Dero, the Association’s Secretary, and representatives of many schools from all of Europe.  They discussed the modalities of cooperation and prospects for organizing summer schools, student and staff mobility, and organization of joint academic events.

President Dero expressed his willingness for cooperation with the UBT in the future.  The UBT has been selected in the process of evaluation and school planning according to the European principles.


UBT President Hajrizi also participated at the annual congress “From Control to Co-Evaluation Organization,” which was organized at the same time with the abovementioned event.  He participated in debates in different sessions.  This was also a good opportunity to visit the Utrecht University and science park.