Industry Partnership

Cooperation between UBT with manufacturers, industry is one of the institutional priorities, which affect the realization of theoretical teaching objectives and their necessary practical training. The special role of this cooperation is the fulfillment of two main objectives: the highest level of theoretical knowledge and secondly the development of practical skills in solving problems.

 The Faculty of Agriculture and Environment cooperates with over 200 growers, producers and processors of raw materials and food processing.

As a result, UBT is creating cooperation agreements with a number of businesses and organizations that work in the field of the study program, in order to ensure the possibility of practical learning in the company. The following is the list of companies with which UBT is in the process of establishing cooperation agreements:


            Company name Type of industry Municipality
1 “ABI” SHPK Milk industry and processing of vegetables Prizren
2 “Fungo” Shpk Medicinal and aromatic herbs Kamenicë
3 NP “Me Agro” Fruits and vegetable production Lipjan
4 Bedri  Kosumi Patato production and processing Vushtri
5 “Birra Peja” Beer industry Peje
6 “JONI-SH” Collection of soft fruits Podujevë
7 “Iron Consulting” Commercial producer of apples and pears Kamenicë
8 “Agrium Fruits” Collection and storing of soft fruits Ferizaj
9 “New Vera” Wine Suharekë
10 “Agrosunaj” Medical Herrbs Istog
11 “Albini shpk” Vegetable Podujevë
12 Agrosera Vegetable Mitrovicë
13 “Agrounion shpk” Storage Lipjan
14 “Moea” Fruits Gjilan
15 “Me Agro shpk” Storage Lipjan
16 “Agrovizion” Storage Lipjan
17 “Agrium” Collection of soft fruits Ferizaj
18 “Bost Berries” Collector of small trees Pejë
19 “Fitimi shpk” Collection and procesin gof vegetable Drenas
20 “Besiana G” Collector of soft fruits Ferizaj
21 “Eurofruti” Collector of soft fruits Prishtinë
22 “Labireon” Collector of soft fruits Prishtinë
23 “Agropeti” Collector of soft fruits Podujevë
24 “Fresh fruit Pr” Collector of soft fruits Prishtinë
25 “Agrounion” Agro input supplier Fushe Kosove
26 “Fruti” Liquids Prizren
27 Fud and veterinary Agensy Food quality and safety Prishtinë
28 Hydro metrological Institute Research Prishtinë
29 Hydro metrological Institute Research Pejë
30 “NGO” Treaning Student Vushtrri
31 “Land irrigation system” Research Gjakovë
32 “WATER” Research Peje
33 “DST PRODUCT SHPK” Colector of soft fruits and vegetables Ferizaj
34 “Frutex” Liquids Suharekë
35 New Vera Wine Suhareke
36 MOAE Hirano Mushroom Mushrooms Mitrovice
37 Exstra frut Fillings Fruits Prizren
38 Fidanishtja e Godancit Vegetable seedling production Shtime
39 Agroserra Vegetable production and ornamental plants Mitrovica
40 Agropharma Agricultural input supplier Mitrovica


Members of the Industrial Board of Agri-Food – UBT:

Nr. Company Representatives Company name Type of Industry Municipality
1 Nuredin Bajrami ‘’Hit Flores


Qendra per grumbullimin dhe Perpunimin e Pemeve te Imta,

Center for the collection and processing of small trees



2 Berat Mustafa “FLUIDI”


Industri e Pijeve dhe Vajrave

Beverage and Oil Industry

3 Mitat Bixhaku “KABI” SHPK Industri e Qumështit

Dairy Industry

4 Gëzim Selimi “Calabria”


Thertore dhe Përpunim i Mishit

Slaughterhouse and Meat Processing

5 Valbona Ajeti GROSEP Grumbullim dhe perpunim i perimeve

Harvesting and processing of vegetables

6 Skender Ramadani Fidanishte Fidanishte e Perimeve-Vegetable Nursery Shtime
7 Zaim Ramadani “Kllokoti” shpk Industri e Ujit

Water Industry

8 Halit Avdijaj “Agrosunaj” Grumbullues dhe perpunues i bimeve mjeksore dhe aromatike

Collector and processor of medicinal and aromatic plants

9 Mejdi Bresilla NP “Me Agro” Deponimi dhe Magazinimi i Frutave

Fruit storage

10 Vipa cips Bedri  Kosumi Përpunimi i Patateve

Processing of Potatoes

11 Faton Nagavci Organica OJQ Bime mjekuese dhe Aromatike

Medicinal and Aromatic plants

12 Alban Shabani “JONI-SHPK” Pikë Grumbulluese e Frutave të Imëta

Collection Point of Small Fruits

13 Hartim Gashi PePeKo Shoqata per perpunimin e Pemeve dhe Perimeve te Kosoves

Association for the processing of trees and vegetables of Kosovo

14 Veli Halimi SHARRI


Industri e Qumështit-

Dairy Industry

15 Drita Kabashi Natyra – L Prodhues  dhe përpunues i qumështit

Milk producer and processor

16 Ismet Haxhimurati Illirian Wine Prodhues i rrushit dhe perpunues i pijeve alkoolike verë dhe  raki

Producer of grapes and processor of alcoholic beverages wine and brandy

17 Milazim Berisha

Fidan Krasniqi

SHPQK Shoqata e prodheuesve të qumështit të Kosovës

Association of milk producers of Kosovo

Fushë Kosovë
