Teaching and Learning

UBT offers continuing education modules for all fields of study so that professionals are always up-to-date. It has signed many “Memorandums of Understanding” and “Cooperation Agreements” for the realization of continuous education, both in theory and practice, with many industries and manufacturing companies. The activity of UBT for continuing education is accredited by the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation (AKA).

Study programs integrate theoretical skills with professional practice and students are well prepared for employment. The ongoing efforts to open interdisciplinary study programs reflect the UBT’s aim to provide the labor market with graduates with enhanced knowledge and skills.

Our aim is to provide a high-level education in environmental agriculture, cultivating a dynamic academic environment that fosters innovation, critical thinking and continuous learning. Preparing our students to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. To reflect the latest research, industry trends and emerging farming technologies, ensuring graduates are well equipped to address the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly changing global agricultural sector. To create a dynamic educational experience that prepares students not only for the current demands of the agricultural sector, but also for future leadership roles in shaping the future of the agricultural sector. To create an educational and encouraging environment for students. To help students feel comfortable, valued and empowered in their academic journey. To enable the involvement and active cooperation of all interested parties in the decision-making processes by fostering a sense of inclusion, transparency and shared responsibility.

Achieving high standards in both teaching and research within the programme. using effective teaching methods, staying up-to-date on the latest advances in the field, creating a supportive learning environment, engaging in advanced research, collaborating with other researchers and institutions, seminars, workshops, seminars conferences . Encouraging innovation within the field, exploring new emerging technologies, and staying at the forefront of advances in agri-environment and other activities that foster discussion and collaboration among students, faculty, and researchers. A transformative role in the community and region, fostering a symbiotic relationship between academic pursuits and the practical needs of the local population. Providing access to laboratories, research facilities and expertise, the program provides education and training opportunities for young people and interested groups through regular studies, workshops and seminars on careers in environmental agriculture. Our institution’s commitment to academic excellence and quality of studies by providing students with a solid foundation in this field. Developing leaders with a global perspective in fields such as agriculture and the environment, where global issues such as food security, sustainability of agricultural production and security are critical considerations.


Teaching and learning methods: The teaching philosophy at UBT is constructivist and professors engage students in a process of constructing their own knowledge by interacting with the learning environment instead of absorbing knowledge from the professor as a mere knowledge transferer. The following techniques should be undertaken by the academic staff of UBT College:

  • Active learning techniques, such as problem-based learning and inquiry-based learning, can help promote deeper understanding of course material.
  • Encouraging students to think critically and analyze information, rather than simply memorizing facts.
  • Major subjects are practice-oriented and typically organized as laboratory-based courses that assume active participation in practical tasks and teamwork, including creative and research tasks.
  • Incorporating multimedia resources, such as videos, images and animations, collaborative learning activities such as group projects can help improve learning outcomes.
  • Encouraging students to apply the knowledge and skills they are learning across disciplines can lead to greater elaboration, integration and generalization of the material.
  • Providing students with specific and challenging goals can increase their motivation to achieve them.
  • Giving students feedback on their performance can help them identify areas for improvement and increase their motivation to succeed.
  • Giving students the opportunity to choose their own learning activities or projects can increase their motivation by giving them a sense of autonomy.
  • Collaboration – Encouraging students to work together on projects or assignments can increase their motivation as they feel a sense of belonging and can share their knowledge and skills.
  • Making the learning process more interactive: Engaging students in discussions, debates and group activities can increase their motivation as they feel more connected to the material.
  • Field visits and practical placements are important features of the teaching and learning process. Opportunities for interactive learning are enhanced through project-based learning, case study analysis, visiting speakers, group work, and e-learning. The use of these teaching methods is made possible by a favorable teacher-student ratio and small classes. Our emphasis on practical and industry-relevant knowledge is a key feature of the educational programs.
  • Encourage self-reflection – Allowing students to reflect on their learning process and progress can help them understand their strengths and weaknesses and increase their motivation to improve.