Aims and Objectives

The mission of the study program in Agriculture with environment is in full compliance with the general statement of the mission of UBT.  The mission of the Agriculture with environment study program is to cultivate dynamic and innovative leaders in the 21st century academic environment. Our program is dedicated to advancing knowledge and expertise in agriculture with the environment, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to address current and future challenges in the field. We strive to empower students with cutting-edge skills, critical thinking abilities, and a deep understanding of agricultural products, research, and implementation of new growing technology, preparing them to make meaningful contributions to global food production, environmental, and sustainable agricultural sector.


The contemporary curriculum built and compared with the higher education curricula of developed countries (EU and USA) as well as the level of agricultural sector development in Kosovo guarantees a good quality education for students through the application of good and contemporary learning practices, where laboratory work, cooperation with the agricultural sector as well as scientific research in the field of Agriculture with environment is the priority. UBT throughout study in this program will provide optimal conditions to guarantee high-quality studies and mobility with international partners. The program will be supported by a strong didactic base, scientific, practical, and experimental experience of the institution, as well as the human resources involved in this program. The program aims to prepare them through interaction with subjects, topics, and interdisciplinary staff, students are expected to deepen their understanding of the agricultural sector, challenges, risks and opportunities to this sector.


The Mission of the institution is UBT offers a dynamic and innovative 21 century academic environment. UBT provides a supportive and challenging opportunity for the students, faculty and staff in participatory and self-governance setting. Building on a tradition of teamwork between Students, the faculty, staff and administrators, UBT is committed to enhance its participation as an active member of community by providing learning opportunities driven by teaching and research excellence, intellectual interaction and creativity. UBT is a preeminent centre of intellectual and cultural activity in Kosovo, improving the region’s quality of life through the skills, knowledge, experience and engagement of its faculty, staff, students and alumni. UBT will be a leading contributor to the growth, and strategic development of the Kosovo and region. UBT will serve the Kosovo and region, by preparing leaders for the 21st century with a global outlook and the skills needed for educational, social, economic, political, environmental and cultural advancement. The mission of UBT is available online to all stakeholders in


The program mission complies with the institutional mission in several distinct ways:

  • Dynamic Academic Environment: The program mission is to provide a hieght-class education in agriculture with environment, cultivating a dynamic academic environment that fosters innovation, critical thinking, and continuous learning. We are committed to staying at the forefront of scientific and technological advancements in the agriculture sector, preparing our students to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. Our curriculum is designed to reflect the latest research, new growing technologies, high yield and quality production, and environment friendly, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to address the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly changing global agriculture sector. Through collaborative research, experiential learning, and sector partnerships, we create a dynamic educational experience that prepares students not only for current sector demands but also for future leadership roles in shaping the future of agriculture with the environment.


  • Supportive and Challenging Opportunities: The program aims to create a nurturing and encouraging environment for students. Supportive opportunities include mentorship programs, academic support services, and a positive learning atmosphere. The goal is to help students feel comfortable, valued, and empowered in their academic journey. On the other hand, the mention of challenging opportunities indicates that the program is dedicated to offering academic and professional challenges to its students. This involves coursework, hands-on projects, and research opportunities. The aim is to prepare students for the demands of the real world and to foster intellectual growth and resilience.


  • Participatory Self-Governance: This study program offers active involvement and collaboration of all stakeholders in decision-making processes. This approach enable several benefits, fostering a sense of inclusivity, transparency, and shared responsibility. The main points that we apply in our study program for participation in self-government are: Stakeholder Involvement, the creation of committees or working groups that represent different facets of the program, such as curriculum development, research initiatives, and outreach activities, making decisions collectively, transparency and communication, training and capacity building, conflict resolution mechanisms, evaluation and continuous improvement, diversity and inclusion


  • Teaching and Research Excellence: Our focus is on achieving high standards in both teaching and research within the programme. This includes using effective teaching methods, staying up-to-date on the latest advances in the field, creating a supportive learning environment, engaging in advanced research, collaborating with researchers and other institutions, seminars, workshops, and conferences, encouraging innovation within the field, the exploration of new growing technologies and staying at the forefront of advances in agriculture with the environment and other activities that promote discussions and collaboration among students, faculty, and researchers.


  • Community and Regional Engagement: The agriculture with environment study program at UBT plays a transformative role in the community and region, fostering a symbiotic relationship between academic pursuits and the practical needs of the local population. Providing access to laboratories, research facilities and expertise, the program provides education and training opportunities for young people and interested groups through regular studies, workshops and seminars for careers in the agriculture sector and food and industry. The program continually focuses its research efforts on addressing specific challenges or opportunities relevant to the region. For example, developing sustainable agricultural practices, and implementing new growing technologies to produce high yield, quality food safety, and environment friendly. The program can support entrepreneurship in the agricultural production sector by providing incubation services and support to start-ups. This not only contributes to economic development but also encourages innovation and job creation within the region


  • Preeminence and Intellectual Activity: Study program in agriculture with environment aspires to play a crucial role in fostering intellectual and cultural activity, to drive strategic development not only within Kosovo but also beyond its borders. Our commitment is not only to academic excellence but also to making a broader impact on the community, agricultural sector, industry, and possibly even at the national and international levels. The study program in agriculture with environment is designed in the commitment of our institution to academic excellence emphasizes the quality of studies and offers students a solid foundation in this field. Our institution UBT (including the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment) has ongoing projects supported by the Ministry of Education and other governmental and non-governmental, local and international organizations that aim to address current challenges in the field of agriculture with environment and food science and technology. The collaboration or partnership that our program has with industry, government, or other academic institutions increases the impact of intellectual activities and contributes to the strategic development of the region and beyond. The program’s interaction with the local community aims to exchange knowledge and expertise for the benefit of society. Since our aspiration extends beyond the borders of Kosovo, the program prepares students to engage with global issues in agriculture with the environment through international collaborations that UBT has, such as programs to exchange experiences and ideas or offer dual curricula with partner universities in Europe and the USA, which includes a global perspective. The program also contributes to the career development and professional development of students through the practical opportunities offered to them in the institution and industry, to successfully face the challenges of the time.


  • Global Outlook and Leadership Preparation: The program in agriculture with the environment has a focus on developing leaders with a global perspective. This approach is essential in today’s interconnected world, especially in fields like agriculture with environment, where global issues such as food production, sustainability, and safety are critical considerations. Some key points we have considered in forming a program that prepares students for leadership roles with a global outlook are: Curriculum design that incorporates international perspectives on agriculture and technology. Include case studies, examples and research from different countries and regions. Collaborate with experts and institutions from different countries to offer a diverse range of courses, workshops and seminars. Encouraging and facilitating opportunities to engage in global research. We encourage students to partner with international companies and organizations to provide students with global internship opportunities. Because we believe that hands-on experience in different environments will improve their understanding of global challenges and solutions. The study program offers leadership opportunities that specifically address the challenges and opportunities of leadership in a global context. UBT has various digital platforms (mentorship programs, lectures and events) for students to connect with professionals and alumni who have experience in global roles in agriculture food science, and technology. UBT (including our study program) equips students with the skills to stay abreast of technological advances and innovations in their field and adapt their knowledge